Preserving Our History With Lidar

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Preserving Our History With Lidar

We can often forget, and at times neglect, our historical monuments and sites. Our tiny island is home to amazing ancient architecture, and making sure it is preserved in some way for future generations is becoming increasingly important. For instance, the effects of climate change are posing a threat to monuments the world over, and it isn’t likely that Sri Lanka’s historical marvels will be spared.

The emergence of 3D mapping technology has inspired a small group of individuals to ensure that these monuments will remain accessible to our future generations in one way or the other, and potentially bring about global appreciation, by providing an immersive experience that a picture postcard simply cannot capture.

Mapping Our Monuments

Sri Lanka’s RCS2 Technologies has partnered with CSIRO Australia and the University of Moratuwa on a project named “Digitizing Our Heritage”, which aims to 3D map our most important archaeological sites using a piece of technology called Hovermap, which is a 3D lidar mapping system developed by CSIRO.

Lidar is, in a practical sense, a more advanced form of radar. It generates a pulsating laser light on a target, and then relies on the reflected pulses to form a measurement. This, in turn, can be used to map a depth of field over the subject. Lidar is often used to create elevation maps, and is presently being used by those in the autonomous car industry as a means of collision detection. The same technology has been used by the CSIRO to map Australian landmarks, such as the Sydney Cricket Ground. It has also been used for other projects, such as construction sites and liquid storage tanks.
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